понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

cheap motel in wildwood

A "home" is where you make it, right? I have a home, and Iapos;m quite happy in my home. Unfortunately for my other half, sheapos;s not quite content with our living quarters. I can understand if she doesnapos;t feel like itapos;s a home and just a house, but Iapos;m becoming increasingly worried that she is so depressed about living in this house that it is affecting her well being.

I think this is probably the biggest contention in our daily life that itapos;s disrupting what I thought to be a place of happiness. I understand that Randy doesnapos;t like the house, but is it so bad to be living in a comfortable house with nothing to worry about? She wants more, and yes Iapos;ll likely upgrade to a new home in the future. This isnapos;t the house I plan to grow old in. I know she wants to move, but I donapos;t fully understand why she canapos;t accept that (right now) we donapos;t have other options. How can someone ask for so much, when they know realistically that itapos;s not likely to happen? I wonapos;t just sell the house right now (because she wants me to) and lose a butt-load of money.

Sometimes her demands seem so unreasonable. She didnapos;t have any contention with the house when I first got it. Maybe her disposition and outlook have changed, now that she has seen what opportunities are available to her. I want her to think big, but I also want her to keep her head on straight. Iapos;m putting her through school right now. Wouldnapos;t you say thatapos;s a big gesture? Thatapos;s more of a priority for me for her to get an education. You want whatapos;s best for your family, right?

Iapos;m likely to get a new position at work, which may move me out of the state to a more urban area too. I donapos;t see why she canapos;t be patient. Itapos;s what she would like... I can understand, though, how she may feel like she has no control over the situation. Iapos;m the one that is bringing in the money, so I do have more control over where weapos;re living at the moment, but I could see her being happier if she were contributing and making these big decisions as well.

I want her to finish school, and then we can pursue other priorities once thatapos;s done. And then at that point she would be contributing financially to our household. Think big, but donapos;t burst your bubble.

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