понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

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A "home" is where you make it, right? I have a home, and Iapos;m quite happy in my home. Unfortunately for my other half, sheapos;s not quite content with our living quarters. I can understand if she doesnapos;t feel like itapos;s a home and just a house, but Iapos;m becoming increasingly worried that she is so depressed about living in this house that it is affecting her well being.

I think this is probably the biggest contention in our daily life that itapos;s disrupting what I thought to be a place of happiness. I understand that Randy doesnapos;t like the house, but is it so bad to be living in a comfortable house with nothing to worry about? She wants more, and yes Iapos;ll likely upgrade to a new home in the future. This isnapos;t the house I plan to grow old in. I know she wants to move, but I donapos;t fully understand why she canapos;t accept that (right now) we donapos;t have other options. How can someone ask for so much, when they know realistically that itapos;s not likely to happen? I wonapos;t just sell the house right now (because she wants me to) and lose a butt-load of money.

Sometimes her demands seem so unreasonable. She didnapos;t have any contention with the house when I first got it. Maybe her disposition and outlook have changed, now that she has seen what opportunities are available to her. I want her to think big, but I also want her to keep her head on straight. Iapos;m putting her through school right now. Wouldnapos;t you say thatapos;s a big gesture? Thatapos;s more of a priority for me for her to get an education. You want whatapos;s best for your family, right?

Iapos;m likely to get a new position at work, which may move me out of the state to a more urban area too. I donapos;t see why she canapos;t be patient. Itapos;s what she would like... I can understand, though, how she may feel like she has no control over the situation. Iapos;m the one that is bringing in the money, so I do have more control over where weapos;re living at the moment, but I could see her being happier if she were contributing and making these big decisions as well.

I want her to finish school, and then we can pursue other priorities once thatapos;s done. And then at that point she would be contributing financially to our household. Think big, but donapos;t burst your bubble.

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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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Kogda derevja byli bolshimi...
Kogda-to davno vse my slyshali ot roditelej i prepodov: Studen4estvo - lu4shee vremja vashej zhizni..� lu4shie gody..
Ugu, ugrjumo kivali my i ulybalisapos; snishoditelno, sklonivhisapos; nad zavalami homework i proklinaja kursa4i, pozhirajus4ie nash son i li4nuju zhiznapos;.

I� vot po4ti vse, ko menja 4itajut sej4as, etot porog perestupili. Vyshli iz etogo vremeni... I 4to?�
To, 4to nam govorili, - pravda??

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Well, whatever it was seems to have passed.� Maybe I just skirted around getting sick, maybe it was the supreme mess that this weekapos;s schedule has been getting to me, maybe I�was just hungry (I�*did*�feel rather better after having a nice big meal).

So now Iapos;m more-or-less back to my more-or-less normal more-or-less cheery self.� =P

And back to being very excited about next weekapos;s appointment.� =)

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четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

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Throat started to line with crap yesterday and today Iapos;ve got the Barry White Special going on. Unfortunately, I need to speak with clients on the phone several times during my schedule - will just have to go low and drop in "Thatapos;s Kooooool and the Gang, my brotha" on successful completion of the problems.

We took an anniversary trip to Cannon Beach on the Oregon Coast on Sunday. Stayed in a place called The Ocean Lodge and we were very happy with the accommodations. Iapos;ll try to swing pictures at some point, but we had a stand alone bungalow with a gas fireplace, king bed, small deck, jacuzzi tub, and still had some ocean view thrown in. Drove into town right at low tide, so we were able to go for an immediate walk along the beach and straight up to the base of Haystack Rock. When you think about geologic formations and water breaking things down over time . . . This location doesnapos;t make sense. Still cool, however - very scenic. Dinner was at a nice Bistro where I had a bowl of clam chowder that would not have looked out of place at some 5-star joint. So good.

On an odd and unrelated note, Iapos;ve just suddenly realized that I pee about four times as often when I work from home. This is not due to excess fluid intake since Iapos;m drinking about the same amount. But for some reason, four or five trips to the can is about where Iapos;m at vs. One or zero during my usual day out and about. My Iron Bladder skill appears to have no homefield advantage.
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Eilen ei ollut kukaan ripuloinut sis�lle kun menin kotiin, Yes Tiistaina oli poikien 1v. Syntt�rit ja min� tietysti unohdin ne. Saivat nyt eilen uuden lelun, joka oli ahkerassa retuutuksessa useammalla koiralla. Thelmakin sai sit� kokeilla. H�velit pojat tarjosivat kavereille kuivattuja kanankauloja ja kyll� ne kelpasivatkin.

Thelma leikkii leluilla jonkin verran. Sen ykk�sjuttu kuitenkin ovat puruluut ja niit� kuluukin t�ss� laumassa aikamoinen l�j� viikossa. Meid�n luuhullu-Mandykin j� Thelmalle kirkkaasti kakkoseksi. Thelma rakastaa my�s silputa pahvia, paperia yms.

Thelma tulee muiden mukana aamuisin tervehtim�n iloisesti meit� ihmisi� ja toki muutkin t�ytyy tervehti�. Kaiken kaikkiaan meill� aamutervehdykset kest�v�t useita minuutteja kun koirat kiert�v�t tervehtim�ss� ensin ihmisi� ja sitten toisiaan. Skottipoikien tapa tervehti� saattaisi aiheuttaa kauhunv�ristyksi� niiden tapoja tuntemattomille, ne nimitt�in nappaavat toisen p�n hell�sti suuhunsa tai l�imiv�t tassulla p�in n�k�. T�n� aamuna Thelmakin joutui Iivarin hellyydenpuuskan kohteeksi eik� T ollut ollenkaan siit� pahoillaan, seisoi vain rauhallisena.
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About two weeks ago, I made a few calls and set into a motion a plan that would have Keith, Shawn, Matt, Admon, Dusty, and I meeting up tomorrow for the midnight release of Max Payne followed by some late-night grub at Dennyapos;s. Tonight, it seems Keith, Shawn, and Matt arenapos;t too keen on the idea. Originally I figured the latter two would start to flake out, but I didnapos;t expect Keith to hop on that same boat. Iapos;ll still be more than glad to get a chance to hang out with Admon and Dusty, but the whole point was to have the original five of us together because the last time we had was a year ago during the second round of California fires; that sort-of became the joke, that the fires are SoCalapos;s storms and the ash is our snow. Now Iapos;ve pretty much run out of any hope in getting a chance to hang out with the three flakes because Keith keeps making excuses to not hang out with me, no doubt decisions assisted by his obsessive troll of a girlfriend who hates my very existence, while Shawn and Matt have always had a propensity towards hanging out with their pot-supplying pals over their addiction-free friends.
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